Roeser Home Remodeling is excited to announce that Brandi Ward, our director of design, has won another award.
Brandi won second place in a national design contest from Showplace Cabinetry. This 2022 contest was to design a large kitchen. This is not the first time Brandi has won awards. She started in college when she received recognition several times for her designs including representing Columbia College Chicago with the honorable Driehaus Award.
In 2016, she was named Pro Remodeler Forty Under 40. She has earned two certifications– CAPS (Certified Aging in Place Specialist) and CGP (Certified Green Professional). She is a member of the PWBC (Professional Women in Building Council) at the St. Louis Home Builders Association.
“I get to design and work with nice people. I get to shop, and I get to create spaces that currently are not working with family’s home life and make it work.”
Read the details about Brandi Ward, director of design, award-winning kitchen here.